Saturday, April 6, 2013


My mom and I made our way down to Seattle to visit a family friend who was very sick. We journeyed through Kootenay National park, down to Cranbrook, and then through Idaho. 

We went for dinner at a place called Ivars, which is famous for their sea food. In the restaurant there was a 1929 racing canoe hanging in it. I am happy that canoes have evolved and I do not need to race something this heavy and long anymore.

On the way home we decided to go through Bellingham toward Chilliwack so I could fit in a paddle with my coach and some Alberta team members. My mom decided to take the role of the photographer. Here are some of the shots she caught.

It was a beautiful day where it reached a high of 25 degrees, which is really unlikely for that time of year. To take advantage of the weather we headed down to Cultus Lake for a BBQ and to hang out with some sprint paddelers. Here are some photos of me sporting my team gear.

Friday, April 5, 2013

2013 Canadian Team Trials Schedule

2013 CanoeKayak Canada Canoe Slalom Team Trials
Preliminary Schedule

Minden Wildwater Preserve, Gull River
May 21-26, 2013

Preliminary water release (subject to confirmation from Parks Canada)
Monday, May 20 Natural water flow
Tuesday, May 21 Water release 9-4pm
Wednesday, May 22 Water release 9-4pm
Thursday, May 23 Water release 9-4pm
Friday, May 24 Water release 9-4pm
Saturday, May 25 Water release 9-4pm
Sunday, May 26 Water release 9-4pm

Zone 4 Registration April 12-23
Late registration fees May 15-23
Registration closed May 24

Equipment Control
Official Equipment control May 23, 4-6pm

Friday, May 24
Water on 9am
Training (Ontario, Alberta) 9-10:15am
Training (BC, Saskatchewan, Quebec) 10:15-11:30am
Course Setting Meeting 11:45am (river right top of course)
Course Setting 11:45-2pm
Demonstration Runs 2pm
Course Approval Meeting Finish line after demo runs
Water off 4pm
Team Leaders Meeting 4:30pm at Roger Parsons Centre

Saturday, May 25
Emergency Equipment Control 8:30am
Water on 9am
Selection Race Run # 1 9:30am
Selection Race Run # 2 11am
Course Setting Meeting 12:30pm (river right top of course)
Course Setting 12:30-2:00pm
Demonstration Runs 2:00pm
Course Approval Meeting Finish line after demo runs
Water off 4pm

Sunday, May 26
Water on 9am
Selection Race Run # 3 9:30am
Selection Race Run # 4 11am
Upper Course Deconstruction 1pm
Development Race 1pm
Lower Course Deconstruction 2pm
CKC National Team Meeting 2:30pm at Roger Parsons Centre

Boyz For Breakfast!